Creative Collaborations

Grit, Grace & Gratitude
Gatherings intended to enlighten the heart, move the soul & quiet the mind | Creating a sisterhood of motherhood
If you are seeking a parenting roadmap and connectivity among moms, Daisy Blanchard & Gaby Martinez-Fonts @mindfulwisdomnow have heart crafted a three-part motherhood workshop where their intention is to inspire connectivity with candid conversations about motherhood, be collectively inspired, educated, and create a community of like-minded women.

Each gathering intends to offer encouragement, inspiration, and real-life practical mommy advice to help MOTHERS become wiser, healthier, and informed in their mind, body, and spirit.
Since there is no instruction manual or road map when you become a parent, the “Grit, Grace & Gratitude” workshops will give you real life shared experiences (which is the best teacher to provide lessons learned), tips, tools, and strategies to become a better mom, better wife, and simply a better YOU!