Are you looking for a little sunshine?
Daisy is a beam of light radiating her positivity as the storyteller and host of This Girl podcast making a difference one story at a time. She learned early in her flourishing public relations career that she was born to communicate and connect with people.
This girl Daisy worked in corporate America for over 20 years telling stories and creating many of her own while “exploring the world” with Discovery Networks and NBC.
However, when she became a mom (#momof3boys) this girl Daisy was enlightened to share her inspirations, motherhood stories, and lesson learned since being a mom does not have a manual or road map.
This girl Daisy created a podcast to provide a needed self-care “pause” in the lives of moms with the intention is to inspiring connectivity with candid.

That's when the girl came into BLOOM!
Daisy loves to be a MOM or should I rephrase that to… a professional Domestic Engineer or Chief Operating Office...? That's when it hit her, that she does not feel the need to have a more distinguished title than MOM! When in reality the most important title she has ever had is that of MOM. Which she loves to define as:
M – Master
O – of what
M – Matters most!
“What is ESSENTIAL is invisible to the eye” -- Antoine de Saint-Expuery -- The Little Prince
This girl has been enlightened, and has created this special space with the intention to share her “magic”! In today’s digital platforms, her intention is to create this special place where she has created “pockets” to share inspirations, transformational stories, lessons learned, some of her favorite things – from books, quotes to recipes – but most of all to SPARK CONVERSATION! She hopes to spread her inner sunshine and that you leave her site or podcast with a smile in your heart and a better Mom, wife, friend or overall better human being!